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Pandemic and Beyond

We're providing extensive policy and advocacy services to a flagship Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) led programme for 77 research teams investigating the impacts of Covid-19 from an arts, humanities and social sciences perspective

'Pandemic & Beyond' is an Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) umbrella programme coordinated by the University of Exeter. The large scale project brings together over 70 leading academic research studies from across the UK that are investigating the impact of Covid-19 on several key policy areas. ​

Culture Commons are providing a comprehensive suite of policy wraparound service to the core team through throughout the project lifecycle, ensuring emerging findings from the research is communicated to the right decision makers, at the right time.

We are co-convening a series of high-level webinars and roundtables, bringing UK Government Ministers, senior parliamentarians, officials across the Cabinet Office, No. 10, Department for Health and Social Care and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport to the table.

We're also working on the development of a new virtual policy hub where researchers and policymakers could meet, find out about each of the studies, access succinct briefings, and work together to share expertise and resources for maximum policy impact.

The Principle Investigator (PI) on the programme, Professor Pascale Aebisher said:

Culture Commons has radically shifted the ways in which we engage with policymakers and developed some very strong long-term relationships right across the UK.

Independent consultants reviewing the 2 year programme also found that:

The input of Culture Commons was transformative for the P&B project, as the consultants were able to let projects within the portfolio that had no pre-existing policy contacts and who were geographically beyond the reach of policy makers in Westminster and devolved governments access ready-made networks, which the consultants expanded to create new connections with the right decision-makers.

You can find out more about the project impacts here.

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